Friday, April 3, 2015

Cali's water "crisis"

Jerry Brown recently issued an executive order seeking a mandatory 25 percent reduction in use of water in CA and other restrictions designed to reduce water use in the future. Economists see a simplier and more efficient solution to the "crisis": increase the price of water.

Click here to read a post in the blog by Marginal Revolution.
Click here for an opinion from Bloomberg.

Of course, for this solution to work someone must be able to measure how much water a customer uses. One reason for the crisis is that many areas in California either do not have meters or have installed them only recently. The results are predictable.

"In steamy Sacramento, where half of the homes still don't have water meters, residents use 279 gallons a day per capita -- almost triple the 98 gallons that residents of foggy San Francisco use." Click here to read more.

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